Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The Cameroon trip begins now with packing, confirming flights, getting immunizations and malaria meds, and prayer!  My 7 year old daughter and I were praying last night and in her prayers my daughter added: "...and please don't let my mom get attacked by any animals."  I had to smile!  As soon as we were done praying she had to ask if I would see any lions.  To which I responded, that I didn't think so, as I never saw one growing up in Cameroon.  She felt much better, but was still a bit unsure.  Anyway, I'm thankful to know that my daughter will be praying for me and I for her while we are apart.  Peace - Nyla

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

In just a few days, we will be heading to Cameroun! It has been 26 years since I was last in Cameroun and I imagine much has changed. I am thrilled to be going for such an auspicious occasion, and look forward to all the memories we will create during the course of our trip and all too short stay. We'll keep you updated with what we're seeing, learning, and experiencing - right here on this blog - so do check in from time to time if you are interested!

Getting Started--Erika

We have our shots, our visas and our reservations. We leave on Sunday after church. Three of us are heading to Cameroon as the SD Synod delegation to the ordination of the first women pastors in the EELC. We hope to share in the blogging and post pictures. Much more to come!